- April 1994
Merged five former construction companies* to establish NS Engineering Corporation * Nippon Sanso Techno Service, Nippon Sanso Construction Tohoku, Nippon Sanso Construction Keihin, Nippon Sanso Construction Meihan, Nippon Sanso Construction West Japan
- June 1994
Integrated the engineering division of Nippon Sanso (currently Taiyo Nippon Sanso)
- April 1999
Aizu Factory (currently Aizu Equipment Manufacturing) obtained ISO 9001 (1994 version) certification
- July 1999
Received designation as a designated safety inspection organization regarding general high-pressure gas regulations (nationwide) from the Minister of International Trade and Industry
- June 2000
Expanded the designated categories to include the Safety Regulations for Complexes (regional) from the Minister of International Trade and Industry
- April 2001
Expanded the designated categories to include the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Safety Regulations (nationwide) from the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry
- October 2001
Obtained ISO 9001 certification (excluding Aizu Factory, currently Aizu Equipment Manufacturing)
- March 2002
Received designation as a designated completion inspection body for general high-pressure gas regulations (nationwide) from the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry
- June 2002
Obtained OHSAS 18001 certification
- October 2003
Integrated ISO 9001 company-wide and transitioned to the 2000 version
- April 2006
Integrated Saan Technology Services
- July 2008
Obtained ISO 14001 certification
- July 2008
Changed the company name to Taiyo Nippon Sanso Engineering Corporation
- July 2008
Integrated the semiconductor-related business division of Saan Engineering
- January 2021
Obtained ISO 45001 certification (transitioned from OHSAS 18001)