Privacy Policy

Personal Information Protection Policy

Taiyo Nippon Sanso Engineering Corporation (the "Company") recognizes the importance of protecting personal information and our social responsibilities as a business operator handling personal information and handles personal information based on the following policy in order to properly protect personal information on our shareholders, business partners, officers and employees, etc.

1. We comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and related laws and regulations in Japan and engage in the appropriate acquisition, use and provision of personal information in accordance with the below disclosed Handling of Personal Information and internal regulations, etc.

2. We strive to prevent personal information we handle from being leaked, lost, or damaged by taking necessary and proper security measures, and we take necessary corrective measures in the event that an incident occurs.

3. We clearly prescribe rules on the handling of personal information in internal regulations and thoroughly familiarize officers and employees with such rules. Moreover, when providing personal information to contractors we manage and supervise contractors to ensure they handle personal information properly.

4. A designated office accepts and appropriately responds to complaints, consultations and requests from individuals concerned for disclosure, amendment, suspension of use, etc. of personal information we retain.


Enacted: March 29, 2024

Taiyo Nippon Sanso Engineering Corporation

Representative Director, President: Naoki Karasawa

Handling of Personal Information

1. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

Personal information provided to the Company may be used:

1) to develop and maintain smooth relations with business partners

2) to provide products and services requested by customers, including product sales, repairs, inspections, after-sales services, and catalogue distribution (including storing information such as purchase and repair histories so as to understand customers' needs)

3) to introduce, make proposals, and request a response to surveys relating to our products and services by a variety of media including telephone, email, and mail

4) to respond to various inquiries and requests from customers and shareholders (including storing information such as inquiry records for the purpose of improving our response)

5) to provide information to and contact shareholders

6) to manage shareholders and for other work relating to shares

7) to provide information to and contact applicants for employment and internships

8) to provide information to and contact former employees

9) to conduct personnel management of officers and employees, provide benefits, conduct social insurance related procedures, and engage in other employment management work

10) for usage purposes acknowledged in the Personal Information Protection Act and other laws and regulations in Japan

2. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

(1) Provision to Third Parties

Acquired personal information shall not be provided to third parties except:

1) where prior consent has been given

2) where acknowledged by the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws and regulations in Japan

(2) Provision to Contractors

Acquired personal information may be disclosed and provided to contractors within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose for which the information is being used. This could be, for example, when commissioning a delivery company to send items to customers, when commissioning a data processing company to organize a campaign, etc., or when subcontracting part of contracted work to another company. In such cases, a non-disclosure agreement shall be executed with the contractor and the Company shall strictly manage and supervise handling to ensure that personal information on customers is properly handled.

(3) Sharing of Personal Information

Acquired personal information may be shared and used by the Company and group companies (note) in order to provide comprehensive services within the scope of the purpose of use stated in the Purpose of Use of Personal Information. Information that may be shared includes names, contact details (addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, etc.), delivery histories, repair histories, the details of inquiries, and the details of requests. The Company shall notify the individual concerned or make an announcement when sharing other information. The Company is responsible for managing personal information that is shared.
(Note) Group companies means domestic affiliated companies.

3. Requests for Disclosure of Retained Personal Data

Requests to be notified of the purpose of use of personal information retained by the Company, to be informed of the personal information retained, to amend, add or delete, suspend use, erase or suspend provision of personal information to third parties ("Disclosure, etc.") should be made in accordance with the following procedures. Please note that personal information covered by your request is limited to the retained personal data the Company is authorized to disclose, etc.

(1) How to Request Disclosure, etc.

Send the necessary documents in 1) to 4) below to the Company by post

1) Disclosure Request Form
Request a Disclosure Request Form to the contact point hereinafter provided, then fill out the necessary particulars.

2) Identity Verification Document
Submit one of the following identity verification documents to confirm your identity (we need to check your name, address, and date of birth):
・Copy of your driver's license
・Copy of your passport
・Copy of health insurance certificate
・Copy of individual number card (front side only)
・Copy of alien registration certificate
・Copy of residence card
・Copy of special permanent resident certificate
・Copy of physically disabled certificate
・Residence certificate (issued within the past three months)
・Transcript or abridged transcript of family register (issued within the past three months)

3) Representative's Identity Verification Document
Submit all of the following documents if you are making a request on behalf of a third party:
・One of the identity verification documents stated in 2) for the individual concerned
・One of the documents stated in 2) as a means of verifying the identity of the representative
・A power of attorney from the individual concerned (if the representative is a statutory agent such as a person with parental authority, submit a transcript or abridged transcript of family register issued within the past three months, or a certificate of registered matters for a guardian for adults that indicates the relationship with the individual concerned in substitute for a power of attorney)

4) Fees
Enclose 1,000 yen worth of stamps (including consumption tax) or a postal money order as a fee for each request when submitting documents requesting to be notified of the purpose of use or disclosure.

(2) The Company may not be able to respond to requests for Disclosure, etc. if:

1) There is a likelihood of damage to the life, health, or property of the individual concerned or a third party
2) There is a likelihood of promoting or inducing illegal or unjust acts
3) There is a likelihood of harming national security, a likelihood of damaging trust relations with other countries or international organizations, or a likelihood of causing a disadvantage in negotiations with another country or international organization
4) There is a likelihood that the appropriate implementation of the Company's business will be significantly hindered
5) Responding will result in a violation of laws and regulations
6) Cooperating in the performance of clerical work prescribed in laws and regulations by a government organization or a local government is necessary, and if there is a likelihood that notifying the individual in question of the purpose of use or announcing the purpose of use will affect the performance of such clerical work

(3) Notification of Outcome

Disclosure, etc. requests will be handled within the scope with which we can confirm personal information on the individual concerned based on the Disclosure Request Form and identity verification documents. The results of the handling of Disclosure, etc. requests (including having been unable to handle a request) will be sent to the address of the individual concerned or his or her representative stated in the identity verification documents. Notification of the outcome will be sent within approximately 10 business days.

(4) Other Matters

After receiving a Disclosure Request Form, the Company will verify records on the individual concerned and may confirm identity of the individual concerned by email or telephone.
Personal information stated in the Disclosure Request Form and identity verification documents shall be used within the scope necessary to perform Disclosure, etc.
Please note that documents submitted shall not be returned.

(5) Address to Send Documents

Postcode: 220-8563
Address: Minatomirai Grand Central Tower 7F 4-6-2, Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa Japan
Taiyo Nippon Sanso Engineering Corporation HR/GA Department

4. Inquiries

Please contact the following desk regarding inquiries, complaints, or consultations on the handling of personal information and anonymously processed information.

Contact Point: Personal Information Protection Consultation Desk
Postcode: 220-8563
Minatomirai Grand Central Tower 7F 4-6-2, Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama,
Kanagawa Japan
Taiyo Nippon Sanso Engineering Corporation HR/GA Department
Email address:
Telephone No.:
(Telephone calls answered from 09:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 17:00,
excluding Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and company holidays)